
A complementary medicine practice involving the diagnosis and treatment of misalignments in the spine and peripheral joints of the body using various techniques. Due to the close relationship of the nervous system and the spine these misalignments can directly affect associated nerves, muscles and the body’s organs. Chiropractic treatment utilises controlled and specific forces to joints in order to restore optimal neurophysiological function and promote harmony in the body.

Chiropractic recognizes the innate (inborn/natural) healing capacities of the body and its purpose is to remove any interference to this vital system. Restoring the integrity of the nervous system allows the body to heal itself.


There are many forms of Kinesiology, the form I practice is known as TBM (total body modification) which stems from origins of acupuncture, naturopathy, radionics and chiropractic. By using a muscle reflex to test specific points information can be gained regarding organs, body systems and even stored (unprocessed) emotions. If a dysfunction is found a correction is made (usually by gently stimulating reflex points along the spine) and the body’s capacity to heal will be improved.

To explain this further it helps to think of your body’s electrical (energy) system like a bio-computer. Overloaded with any stress be it physical, chemical or emotional short circuits can occur. The automatic nervous systems that exist in your body - fight or flight (sympathetic) and rest and digest (parasympathetic) can not work at the same time meaning when you are in fight or flight you cannot heal. Removing these stressors to the body and restoring these short circuits allows your body’s natural healing forces to be regained.

Apart from identifying and stimulating these dysfunctional points TBM implements nutritional and lifestyle programs such as the Autonomic Recovery program ( featuring a sugar metabolism reset); yeast reduction program; circadian rhythm (sleep) reset and tailored individual weight loss advice.

Your body has the information it needs to function at an optimal level, its about extracting this and putting it to use. I find Kinesiology is an important tool to gain specific information about each client’s body and health.

Pregnancy care

Often patients are unaware that care (particularly Chiropractic care) is not only safe but can be extremely beneficial while pregnant. Due to obvious changes in posture and body composition while pregnant it is common that women feel various types of discomfort such as lower back pain. Lower back pain can be helped immensely by aligning the pelvis and activating supporting muscles such as the glutes. There is also evidence that it can help reduce labour time and who doesn’t want that?!

Chiropractic is not the only treatment that I use with pregnant clients. I have found that Kinesiology can help with detoxification pathways which in my experience can reduce morning sickness. Toxic overload from creating new cells of life can leave you feeling nausea in the first trimester and can place stress on what should be a happy time.

What you also may not be aware of is how connected an unborn child and its mother are on emotional level. The flood of chemical hormones that surge through your body you feel when you happy or sad simultaneously travel through the unborn child. It is important to stay in a healthy state of mind while pregnant and dealing with emotions can be tricky. TBM and Access Bars can help you clear out emotional stressors, keeping expectant mothers calm and at peace.

Paediatric care

Not all Chiropractors work with newborns and children as it requires further studies from their original University degree. The treatments involved differ from adults not only because they are much more subtle and gentle but as they are tailored to the growing body and nervous system. The birth process can be quite traumatic on the newborn baby and even text book “perfect” births can cause stress or strain to their little body.

Unlike other closely related mammals, humans are born with an under developed nervous system and brain. This means we rely on communication with our environment to develop optimally. By working with a child’s structure and influencing their nervous system with Chiropractic you are taking steps to ensure their brain is developing in all areas without interference.

Organ Adjusting

Gentle massage of the abdomen can help to restore the positioning of organs and help with digestion/constipation, correct breathing patterns, bladder function, hormone balancing and detoxification pathways.

Dry Needling

A technique used to address muscle tension where a fine stainless steel needle is inserted into the muscle belly at a “trigger point” (a knot). The needles are left in for a minimum of ten minutes for the body to release pain relieving chemicals and begin a cascade of inflammatory cells beginning the healing process. The improvement of blood flow to the muscle allows toxins to be removed and muscle relaxation will follow in the next few days. When combined with Chiropractic adjustments and massage the effects can be very promising.

Demartini Coaching

Access Bars Consciousness

Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease
— Hippocrates

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